Leave the Nonproliferation to "U.S."

pro·lif·er·ate - v. - To increase or spread at a rapid rate: fears that nuclear weapons might proliferate.

The Nuclear Security Initiative Act of 2003 will help promote enhanced nonproliferation cooperation between the United States and the Russian Federation and foster various other actions that will increase the national security of the United States.

Just some of the great things this Act has to offer:
+ The acceleration and the expansion of International Nuclear Materials Protection and Cooperation program.
+ Funding for efforts to close nuclear weapons production facilities in Russia.
+ Funding to improve security at facilities in the former Soviet Union containing nuclear materials that could be used for harm.
+ Enhanced funding for accelerated disposition for highly enriched uranium.
+ Improving measures to track and intercept illicit transfers of "weapons of mass destruction" and the materials and technologies for developing and producing such weapons.
+ Enhanced funding for Russian Transition Initiative.
+ The Silk Road Initiative.
+ The NATO Science for Peace program.

How this Act can help reduce terrorism and rid of nuclear weaponry among nations:
+ Analysis of effect on threat reduction and nonproliferation programs of congressional oversight measures with respect to such programs.
+ Annual report on the use of funds appropriated for threat reduction and nonproliferation in states of the former Soviet Union.
+ Plan for and coordination of chemical and biological weapons nonproliferation programs with states of the former Soviet Union.

The U.S. and Russia can get along:
+ Comprehensive inventories and data exchanges on nuclear weapons-grade material and nuclear weapons.
+ Establishment of Duma-Congress nuclear threat reduction working group.
+ Joint United States/North Atlantic Treaty Organization cooperation with Russia on theater-level ballistic missile defenses.
+ Encouragement of enhanced collaboration to achieve more reliable Russian early warning systems.
+ Teller-Kurchatov Alliance for Peace.
+ Nonproliferation fellowships.

Ultimately, it will help the promotion of discussions on nuclear and radiological security and safety between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Full text of Essay #3

© Copyright 2003, Paul Yoon.